40+ Years in Business

Our Systems
Built-up roof (BUR) membranes
What is a Built-up Roof?
Built-up roof membranes are commonly referred to by the acronym BUR. This reinforced roof system has a long history of successful installations and long-lasting usage.
The BUR roof system is also referred to as a “tar and gravel” roof and is typically composed of alternating layers of bitumen and reinforcing fabrics to create a finished membrane.
The number of plies in a cross-section area is the number of plies on the roof.
The term “four plies” refers to a four-ply roof membrane construction. Often, a base sheet, used as the bottom-most ply or layer, is mechanically fastened.
Built-up roofs generally are considered fully adhered if applied directly to roof decks or insulation.
The reinforcing fabrics used also are called roofing felts or ply sheets. Our roofing felts usually get reinforced with either glass-fiber mats or organic mats. We utilize Felts in a standard width of 36 inches and metric width of about one meter.
Our BUR roofing systems come with a five-year guarantee.

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(425) 348-0115
More AbouT BUr SYstems

Three different kinds of bitumen typically used in BUR roof system
There are three different kinds of bitumen typically used in BUR roof system, asphalt, coal tar, and cold-applied adhesive. The Asphalt and coal tar bitumen are heated in a kettle or tanker and then applied by mop or mechanical spreader. Cold-applied adhesives typically are solvent-based asphalts that do not require heating in a kettle or tanker.

The top layer or surfacings for built-up roof systems
The top layer or surfacings for built-up roof systems include aggregate (such as gravel, slag or mineral granules), glass-fiber or mineral surfaced cap sheets, hot asphalt mopped over the entire surface, and aluminum coatings or elastomeric coatings.

Hybrid roof system
A “hybrid” roof system is composed of a built-up roof membrane with two or three plies and a polymer-modified bitumen membrane cap sheet. NRCA considers this type to be a built-up bitumen membrane system.
Our BUR roofing systems come with a five-year guarantee.

Material Standards

The NRCA does not make any recommendations about which product or manufacturer to use; however, NRCA does recommend that bitumens, felts and mats used for BUR systems meet standards established by ASTM International.
The following ASTM International standards apply to materials used in the construction of BUR systems:
- ASTM D312, “Standard Specification for Asphalt Used in Roofing”
- ASTM D450, “Standard Specification for Coal Tar Pitch Used in Roofing, Dampproofing, and Waterproofing”
- ASTM D1863, “Standard Specification for Mineral Aggregate Used on Built-Up Roofs”
- ASTM D2178, “Standard Specification for Asphalt Glass Felt Used in Roofing and Waterproofing”
- ASTM D2824, “Standard Specification for Aluminum Pigmented Asphalt Roof Coatings, Nonfibered, Asbestos Fibered, and Fibered without Asbestos”
- ASTM D3909, “Standard Specification for Asphalt Roll Roofing (Glass Felt) Surfaced With Mineral Granules”
- ASTM D4601, “Standard Specification for Asphalt Coated Glass Fiber Base Sheet Used in Roofing”
- ASTM D4990, “Standard Specification for Coal Tar Glass Felt Used in Roofing and Waterproofing”

When considering the purchase of a new roofing system, a review of two separate warranties is essential. There is a manufacturer’s warranty on the products used to create the specific roofing system. This warranty will cover any defects in the manufacture of the roof membrane. You can review the entire NRCA’s consumer advisory bulletin addressing roofing warranties for helpful information. Upon project completion, your contractor should provide you with a certificate for your records.
Also, your roofing contractor will provide you with a warranty covering the labor and installation of the roofing system. This warranty will include what is covered and what is not. SQI Roofing offers a five-year warranty on all roofing installations in addition to the manufacturer’s warranty.

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With state-of-the-art technology and processes, our expert team will complete all the work necessary to install your new roof.
Project Completed
After all necessary cleanup and inspection, you have the peace of mind of owning a brand-new roof that we stand behind and guarantee.

A Commercial Roofing Company You Can Rely On
We Proudly Provide the Following Services

New Construction
We work with major developers and architects to provide the high quality roofing new and reconstruction projects need. We have the experience necessary to provide realistic estimates and time-frames for large scale jobs.

Maintenance and Repair
At SQI, our 24-hour emergency service ensures prompt assistance for all leaks and damages. See why people count on us for comprehensive maintenance, repairs, roof cleanings, and complimentary inspections.

Re-Roofs Replacements
We are long-time licensed roof applicators forCarlisle SynTec, Versico, Soprema, Firestone, GAF, AEP Span and Bryer. These key industry leading manufactures provide the highest quality roof replacement materials.